Excel to LaTeX Converter

Convert Excel Tables to LaTeX Tables easily with our online tool. Upload, convert, copy, and download LaTeX code

LaTeX Code Output:

What is Latex?

LaTeX is a typesetting system commonly used for technical and scientific documents to create complex mathematical formulas, scientific notations, and technical content.  LaTeX code is a set of command lines written in plain text that instructs the browser on how to format and display like an formula. It's widely used in academia, particularly in fields such as mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer science.

How Does It Work?

The tool allows you to upload an Excel (.xlsx) file, and with a simple click of the "Convert" button, it processes your data into LaTeX format. The tool displays the LaTeX code for your Excel table, which you can then copy or download as a .txt file. It takes out of manual table data conversion by automating the process and providing you with ready to use LaTeX code.

Placeholder Image

Step by Step Guide

  1. Click to Upload: Click on the upload icon to select your Excel file.
  2. Upload and Validate: Ensure your file is in .xlsx format. The tool will validate the file type and display the file name.
  3. Convert Your Data: Click 'Convert' to process the file and generate LaTeX code.
  4. Review and Copy: Check the LaTeX code in the preview area and click 'Copy' to add it to your clipboard.
  5. Download if Needed: Save the LaTeX code as a .txt file for later use by clicking 'Download as TXT'.
  6. Reset if Necessary: Clear the current file and code to upload and process a new file.


Let’s say you have the following simple table in Excel:

ID Name Email Age Country Registration Date
1 Alice Johnson alice.johnson@example.com 29 USA 2024-01-15
2 Bob Smith bob.smith@example.com 34 Canada 2024-02-22
3 Carol White carol.white@example.com 27 UK 2024-03-10
4 David Brown david.brown@example.com 42 Australia 2024-04-18
5 Eva Davis eva.davis@example.com 31 Germany 2024-05-30
6 Frank Miller frank.miller@example.com 39 France 2024-06-12
7 Grace Lee grace.lee@example.com 28 Italy 2024-07-07
8 Henry Adams henry.adams@example.com 25 Spain 2024-08-01
9 Irene Clark irene.clark@example.com 37 Netherlands 2024-09-19
10 John Walker john.walker@example.com 45 Sweden 2024-10-25

Download this Sample: test.xlsx

Output for the Above Input:

 ID & Name & Email & Age & Country & Registration Date \\
 1 & Alice Johnson & alice.johnson@example.com & 29 & USA & 45306 \\
 2 & Bob Smith & bob.smith@example.com & 34 & Canada & 45344 \\
 3 & Carol White & carol.white@example.com & 27 & UK & 45361 \\
 4 & David Brown & david.brown@example.com & 42 & Australia & 45400 \\
 5 & Eva Davis & eva.davis@example.com & 31 & Germany & 45442 \\
 6 & Frank Miller & frank.miller@example.com & 39 & France & 45455 \\
 7 & Grace Lee & grace.lee@example.com & 28 & Italy & 45480 \\
 8 & Henry Adams & henry.adams@example.com & 25 & Spain & 45505 \\
 9 & Irene Clark & irene.clark@example.com & 37 & Netherlands & 45554 \\
 10 & John Walker & john.walker@example.com & 45 & Sweden & 45590 \\


What type of Excel data can be converted into LaTeX?

The tool can convert tables containing text, and numbers. However, it may not support advanced Excel features like conditional formatting, charts, or pivot tables.

Can I use the LaTeX code in any LaTeX editor or document?

Yes, the LaTeX code generated by the tool can be used in any LaTeX editor, such as Overleaf, TeXShop, or TeXworks. It’s also compatible with LaTeX document classes like article, report, or book.

Will the converter retain the formatting of my Excel table?

Basic formatting, such as cell structure, alignment, and borders, will be preserved. However, advanced Excel formatting (like cell colors or merged cells) may not be fully replicated in LaTeX.

What should I do if the LaTeX code does not appear correctly?

Ensure your Excel file is properly formatted and try converting it again. If you continue to experience issues, check the file for errors or inconsistencies.

Does the tool preserve Excel formatting in the LaTeX output?

The tool converts the data into a basic LaTeX table format. Advanced formatting from Excel may not be preserved, but the core data will be accurately represented.

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