Convert WebP to PNG

Convert WebP to PNG quickly and easily, whether you need single or batch conversion, with High Quality results

Drag and drop your files anywhere or

To Upload

What is the WebP to PNG Conversion Tool?

Our WebP to PNG tool is a user-friendly web application designed to convert WebP images into PNG format. Whether you’re dealing with a single file or a batch of images, this tool simplifies the process, making it easy for you to manage and convert your files.

PWebP to PNG Converter

How to use this WebP to PNG conversion tool

1. Upload Files: Drag and drop WebP files into the designated area or click the “Upload a file” button to select files from your computer.

2. View Files: Uploaded files will appear in the gallery as previews. You can see thumbnails and file information.

3. Convert Files: Click the “Convert to PNG” button. If you have only one file, it will automatically download as a PNG. If you have multiple files, they will be converted and packaged into a ZIP file that will automatically download.

4. Clear Files: Click the “Clear All” button to remove all files from the gallery.

Why we need to convert webp to png

  1. Compatibility: PNG is a format that’s universally supported, meaning it will open and display correctly on almost any device or software. WebP, on the other hand, might not be supported everywhere.
  2. Transparency: PNG is ideal for images that need transparent backgrounds (like logos). While WebP also supports transparency, PNG is more commonly used for this purpose.
  3. Quality: PNG is a lossless format, meaning it doesn’t lose any quality or detail in the image. WebP can be either lossy or lossless, so converting to PNG ensures you keep the highest quality.
  4. Editing: Many image editing programs handle PNG better than WebP. If you need to edit an image, it might be easier to work with a PNG.

So, converting WebP to PNG helps ensure broad compatibility, preserves image quality, and makes editing simpler.

Key Features

  • Drag and Drop: Simply drag and drop your WebP files into the tool for easy upload.
  • File Selection: Alternatively, click to open a file dialog and select WebP files from your computer.
  • Image Previews: View thumbnails of your uploaded images along with file names and sizes.
  • Single File Conversion: Automatically convert individual WebP files to PNG with a single click.
  • Batch Conversion: Convert multiple WebP files to PNG in one go, saving time and effort.
  • ZIP Download: For multiple files, receive all converted PNGs in a single ZIP file for easy download.


The tool currently supports conversion of static WebP images. Animated WebP files will be processed as individual frames, and only the first frame will be converted.

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